Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Chuck Palahniuk

During my whole life I’ve had trouble to read the books that the school or the university demands me to read. Maybe I had a problem with the orders or something like that. But it doesn’t mean that I hate literature, on the contrary, it’s just like I only read what I like to read.
Talking about this, I would like to introduce one of my favorite writers. I think he isn’t so known, but in spite of it I have an obsession with all of his books and stories. His name is Chuck Palahniuk.
About his life I’d like to say more beside that he’s an American journalist and novelist, but I really don’t know anything else. Actually I don’t even know his work as a journalist, but I’d love to talk about his work as a novelist.
Chuck Palahniuk is best known for the award-winning novel Fight Club, story that was taken to the big screen by David Fincher and became a popular culture icon. But it’s not the only participation of Chuck at the movies; also his book Choke was adapted into a film.
What I like about Chuck is his psychological style to write. It’s a little bit hard to explain but I’ll do my best. When he writes he doesn’t say “John took a gun and shot”, instead of it, he trys to get into John’s feelings and explains everything that is happening in his mind, making a chaotic and disturbing prose.
I could write and write about Chuck but I think I fulfilled the goal, so it’s enough. See you at the next post :).

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

About how i didn't live the earthquake.

First of all, i have to say that I’m not from Santiago. I’m originally from Ovalle, so there the earthquake was almost imperceptible. Actually it just reached to the grade of tremble.
That night I was on my computer, doing absolutely nothing beside listening to music and chatting with my friends on messenger, when everything started to move. I’m not afraid of earthquakes so I just stood quietly on my chair. But i didn't thought that it was a different one, in spite of its duration, the fell of my net connection, and the blink of the lights.
So, when my computer connection fell I decided to just go to bed and I slept wonderfully. At the next morning I woke up and walked to the living room thinking of listen to my Abbey Road vinyl, but when I connect the record player I realized that the energy was off. I asked my dad about the energy and he told me that the country was on the ground. I was so shocked and so needy for information that I spent the rest of the day on my notebook checking news about the situation of my country on twitter, facebook, and online newspapers (remember that I’m a postmodern man).

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hi, I'm a postmodern man.

I’m not sure what do i have to write, so i’ll take the easy way and i’m just going to introduce myself.
My name is Nicolás Hermosilla, and “Nicoglass” is the nickname that I use on Internet –also call my nerd name. This is my second blog, the other one I opened a few years ago just for fun. It was written on Spanish and maybe I should link it from here, but I'd be embarrassed if someone read what I wrote at that time, actually I don’t even like to see what I wrote.
Lately I’ve opened a lot of accounts on Internet, so I’ll add this blog to my list. I could say, humbly, that I’m a very postmodern man. See you at the next post (: