Monday, October 22, 2012

Today's activity

I think the activities that we did today were very funny and interesting. I really mean it. When I read the instructions I thought it would be a booooring activity, but at the end, actually, I enjoy it. I wouldn't say that I had an awesome time, but it was OK.
The firsts activities were easiest than the last ones. I just failed in one or two for each one, so I think I did a nice job. At the beggining, I really wanted to achieve a perfect score in at least one activity, and I thought that i'll do it in the vocabulary part, but I failed in three words (There are 25, it was close) :(
Finally, I won the last game. The second listening activity had 6 questions from an interview, and I answered correctely all of it.


Monday, October 8, 2012

These arent the presents that you're looking for

The first present that came to my mind when I read the instructions, it was one that I received in Christmas of 2008. My dad (or Santa Claus, if you prefer) gave me a LIGHTSABER! How cool is that?! I have to recognize that I’m a fan of Star Wars movies, and my dad knew it. Actually, he took me to my first Star Wars movie when I was a child. It was the “Children’s day” and we saw together the episode I, “The Phantom Menace” at the cinema (that was another great gift) and it blew my mind. Since then I’m a fan.

Ok, back to the lightsaber. It was the blue one, like the one that Obi Wan Kenobi had in the movies, and when you pushed a button the laser part came out and, of course, it has lights and sounds. The funny thing is that in 2008 I was a little too big to receive a toy as a gift, but my dad knew that I’d be thrilled… and he was right.

My dad also gave to my sister a lightsaber, the green one (like Qui Gon Jinn) and we spent the whole night fighting with our new weapons. I still have my lightsaber under my bed in case I have to fight with some siths in the middle of the night.

That’s all. May the force be with you.

Monday, October 1, 2012


My first day at university was... at least, weird. First of all, I have to say that, at the bottom, I'm a shy person, so it was difficult to start some chats with my new partners. Also, I had just arrive to Santiago, and, of course, I didn't meet anyone yet, but the guys that lived in here met each other at a party that they had done a few days before. So yes... I was a little bit unconfortable.

Everything went better when I had a nice chat with Mauricio, a guy who came from Talca, and we became friends instantly. Since there, it was all easier.

It was the first day! So everyone in the class was excited about the new friends, new classes, and everything, so we used to sit outside the classrooms, all together, to know each other. But, again, I was a shy person, so I talked only with a few guys. UNTIL, (OK this is a little embarrassing) someone said that I looked like a known actor... Honestly, I don't think so, but maybe it's true, because everyone agreed and ... well, it was like an ice-breaker to meet my classmates.

About the classes, I don’t remember too much. At the end, I knew and I was sure that this was the place where I wanted to be, but the social part it was the most important thing of that day… for sure.