Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I think everyone will start this post with the sentence “This photo was taken…”, but I can’t because I don’t have any idea when was taken this picture. Actually I don’t even know where the hell I was at that moment. But I like it anyways…
Now I’m going to explain why I chose this picture:
First of all, because I don’t like to see me in pictures, so it’s a good plan to choose a photo with me in it, but where I don’t look like me. Also, when you’re a kid you can’t look bad. Even ugliness in childhood is cute for everyone
In second place, I like this picture because it remembers me to the soap “Carrusel de niños”. I think that all of us saw this soap at least once in our childhood. And I look like Cirilo.
Also, my expression is funny. It’s like I didn’t understand anything that what was happening in that moment. Maybe the logic would say that I should have a happiness face, or even a scared face. Instead of it I look like I didn’t find the meaning of the merry-go-round. Maybe I had been always so thoughtful and intellectual (brp)
Finally, I like the vintage style of the picture. It’s worn-out and stained so it gives to the picture a little bit of mysticism.
PD: The stain above me looks like a ghost or something like that. It’s like Casper


  1. you were cute when you were a child.
    it was a good trick to choose that photo, to not show yourself now :) I think I'll use it the next opportunity

  2. You don't look like Cirilo.
    I wonder why you were wearing a bib if you weren't eating...

  3. I don't know. Maybe I used to dribble.

  4. You're so cute!!! that picture is very beatiful... I like those kind of pictures...

    Take care!!

    Bye bye!!

  5. haahaha, i don't like to see me in pictures either, so i choose a photo of me as little kid too, those are funnier...

  6. You don't look like Cirilo. I look like Cirilo. I'm the nigger here, not you
