Saturday, July 3, 2010

Good night and good luck.

Since April I’m writing in this blog. Magical Mystery Blog born when my English teacher said to us that we had to write, every single Wednesday, something about us. Probably this will be my final post, because it doesn’t make sense that I continue writing when nobody will read me. Actually I think the only person really interested in read what I wrote was my teacher, because she had to evaluate me. It’s true that my classmates had commented my posts, but they had to do it. We have to post something in our blog, and also add comments to at least 3 of our classmates’ blogs. So, probably it was just fake interest… Ok, I won’t be so pessimistic, maybe someone learnt something about me and what I like.
As I said once, at this moment the only thing that will help us to improve our English is to practice, practice and more practice. That’s why I think that, beside the laziness that provoked me to write in it, Magical Mystery Blog was such a great idea. I don’t know how much I’ve improved, but I’m sure that now I’m writing so much faster. Not because my fingers, but my head is certainly thinking with more easiness in English.
Sometimes I didn’t have any desire to write, sometimes I wrote to the speed of light, (which in this case is synonymous of mediocrity) but actually I’m very proud and happy with my work in it. I could write about my favorite things and that’s always nice. In the other hand, I used to laugh a lot in the computer lab. I was always fooling around with my friends, commenting ridiculous things in our blogs and things like that.
Finally, thanks to my teacher, I could develop and speed up my English. Soooo… when all is said and done, I can certainly say that this was really nice

I’m going to dedicate you a good bye song:

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Waka Waka

I’m not a big fan of videogames. When I was a kid I get a PlayStation One for Christmas, and no one could beat me. But I fell behind with the arrive of PlayStation 2 and all other game consoles. Also, I usually try to avoid this kind of games because I become addicted, and I behave like a zombie. Despite of it, I have a favorite videogame, but it’s a classical one. Everyone knows it because it’s too much fun for being overlooked. I’m talking about PacMan.
As I was saying, I think it can’t be possible that anyone hasn’t played this famous game at least one time in his life. PacMan is so vintage and classic that it doesn’t worth it to explain what it’s about –in despite of I could spend some lines talking about that.
What I like about PacMan is its simplicity. It just has one screen that is changing its walls as you’re completing levels, 4 bad guys that probably are at the top of the biggest villains, and, of course, our beloved and starving hero Pac “pizza-face” Man.
By the way, the football fever that attacks humanity at these days is also related with this game. PacMan should sue Shakira for the copyright of the “Waka-waka” sound. We all know that it belongs to PacMan. Or am I the only one who imagine the Colombian’ singer eating apples and escaping from ghosts while she’s singing?
Recently, PacMan celebrated 30 years since it was released. Millions of people have been part of this phenomenon, so it’s certainly rightful to ask “how much has PacMan influenced to the humanity?” Maybe it sounds exaggerate, but I’ll let that this quote of Kristian Wilson (Nintendo Inc, 1989) speaks for itself…
“If Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.”

Stupid but funny video about PacMan The Movie:

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I think everyone will start this post with the sentence “This photo was taken…”, but I can’t because I don’t have any idea when was taken this picture. Actually I don’t even know where the hell I was at that moment. But I like it anyways…
Now I’m going to explain why I chose this picture:
First of all, because I don’t like to see me in pictures, so it’s a good plan to choose a photo with me in it, but where I don’t look like me. Also, when you’re a kid you can’t look bad. Even ugliness in childhood is cute for everyone
In second place, I like this picture because it remembers me to the soap “Carrusel de niños”. I think that all of us saw this soap at least once in our childhood. And I look like Cirilo.
Also, my expression is funny. It’s like I didn’t understand anything that what was happening in that moment. Maybe the logic would say that I should have a happiness face, or even a scared face. Instead of it I look like I didn’t find the meaning of the merry-go-round. Maybe I had been always so thoughtful and intellectual (brp)
Finally, I like the vintage style of the picture. It’s worn-out and stained so it gives to the picture a little bit of mysticism.
PD: The stain above me looks like a ghost or something like that. It’s like Casper

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

High Fashion Music

When I lived in Ovalle I couldn’t go to every concert that I want. Everything happen in Santiago and nothing happen in Ovalle, so it was difficult for me to get enough money to pay the ticket, the transportation, the lodging and everything else. So when I moved the last year to Santiago I was very excited thinking in all the concerts that I’d go. And I did it in that way. I have bought tickets instead of clothes, books or food sometimes.
I’m going to talk about the last concert that I went. 3 weeks ago, The Devil Wears Prada came to Chile. It doesn’t have any kind of relation with the movie, and if you were thinking of that I have to tell you that you have lost 5 years of your life. This post-hardcore band came to present its fourth album, call it “With Roots Above and Branches Below”.
These five guys from Dayton, Ohio, played in the Rock&Guitarras club. It’s not a big place but it has an awesome sound. And the Devil Wears Prada show was not the exception.
The concert was early (7 pm) and I had a test that day. So I finished the test the faster I could and I ran to the Rock & Guitarras. I met with my friends and the show was just beginning. I can’t describe how awesome was the show. Maybe the only thing that I can say is that at the second song I was entirely wet and I barely could breath.
These kinds of concerts (not so known bands) are not so expensive. But you feel the cost at the next day. When I woke up I noticed the most horrible pain at my neck that you can imagine. I couldn’t move my head for two days. Too much headbanging...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Don't hate me

When I suggested this topic with my friends, we were thinking to write about our favorite English teacher, trying to avoid pick just one teacher of our whole life. I think it will be ok if I only write about that. Also I don’t wanna think too much.
I’m going to talk about my current English teacher. Some people will think that I’m doing this just because I want to get a good mark, but actually is probably that she won’t be very happy when she read this. But I’ll do it anyways.
I like her class because I can’t imagine how would be an English class with another teacher… well, maybe I can: It would be the most boring class in the world. I’ve heard that in the others levels the teachers are old and ugly ladies. And for that reason I thank god everyday (Yeah sure). My teacher is young and I believe that she likes the same music and movies that I like. So, she is cool.
In our level, English is just practice, so it’s absolutely necessary the existence of confidence between the teacher and the students. I think Miss Daniela is capable to do that.
A few weeks ago I added her to Facebook, and it was very funny. Maybe we used to talk about things with no sense at all, but it was nice. I was very sad when I realized that she erased me. But wherever… I wanted to write about her anyways.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My beloved things

I hated this topic because my friends are laughing at me at this moment because they have touch technology and I don’t. So according to their thoughts they are modern and I’m not. But I think technologic isn’t only about touch features. Instead of it I’d like not to talk about new and awesome technology, but the piece that I enjoy most. And this is my musical equipment.
When I was fifteen years old my mother gave me my first electric guitar. But actually I hated it because it wasn’t a very good one. So that was the moment that I realized that if I wanted to have a good equipment I’d have to buy my own things and not leave it in my parent’s hands. I sold my guitar and I started to save money to buy a new one by my taste. After a few months I could get the guitar that I wanted to have, a beautiful white Epiphone Les Paul Special II. I have it up to now.
But I needed other things beside my electric guitar. I started to save money again and I bought an effect pedal (a Zoom 506 G1) and my most precious thing in the world: My amplifier. I collected coin by coin during a whole year until I had enough to get an amplifier which brand is the one used by the professional music players: A Marshall amp with 30 watts. I love it because it’s perfect to practice at home, and it has a lot of effects incorporated, like reverbs, flangers, delays and a chorus. But also it’s useful to play with a whole band behind you.
Sadly I can’t have it here in Santiago because I live in a pension and if I play they’ll probably kick me out to the street. I really miss my things and every time when I go to my city I spend hours and hours playing guitar
The pictures that I uploaded are not my equipment but it looks like it.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Regular Josh

I hate when people ask me about my favorite band because I cant’ pick just one band between all the music that I usually hear that, in fact, is extremely varied. I guess the best option will be to talk about a musician that I’ve recently started to admire in a ridiculous way.
Josh Homme is the vocalist and guitarist of Queens of the Stone Age, an American rock band formed in 1997. But this is not the only band in which you could hear him. Josh had been part of a series of bands and musical projects since 90’s. That’s why I used the word “ridiculous”, I mean not everyone would hear every single song that Josh has released.
Also, Josh is the forerunner of several music genres like the Stoner Rock and the Desert Rock. I think it’s pretty awesome that one single person can be responsible of the creation of new music styles and even more so in our age, where everything looks like another thing (the obsession of classify every single thing). In this order, Josh Homme is able to play under another name and we could always know that is him.
Since 2009 he is playing in Them Crooked Vultures, a “supergroup” formed by Josh, Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters) and John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin). Obviously, I can’t stop hearing them. And that’s why I want to share this song with you guys <3 name="allowFullScreen" value="true">

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A masterpiece of modern horror

I’m really good seeing movies, so I’m not able to choose just one favorite movie. In fact, I remember that last year I made a list with all the films that I’d wanted to see and I saw almost all of them. But, I’m forced to write something by my English teacher, so I’ll write about the first movie that came to my mind.
I think that ‘The Shining’ is one of the most spectacular terror films ever made. It was directed by also one of my favorite directors, Stanley Kubrick, in 1980, and it was starring by Jack Nicholson in one of his best roles. He represents Jack Torrance, a writer that accepts to take care of a lonely hotel a few months with his wife and his son. But as months pass, Jack slowly starts acting strange and frustrated and also getting a violent behavior, endanger to his whole family
This film is an icon in the movies history. It has been adapted to the video clips’ world, by several bands, like 30 seconds to mars in their video ‘The kill’ and Slipknot in their video ‘Spit it out’ and also had one of the most memorable scenes in cinema history: Jack breaking the bathroom door with an ax trying to kill his wife.
I thought of writing about this movie because yesterday I bought a poster of ‘The shining’. It has the most famous picture of the movie, with Jack at the broken door, smiling and saying "Here's Johnny!” Probably I’ll put it on my bedroom door and when i wake up in the middle of the night it will scare the hell out of me.>

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Chuck Palahniuk

During my whole life I’ve had trouble to read the books that the school or the university demands me to read. Maybe I had a problem with the orders or something like that. But it doesn’t mean that I hate literature, on the contrary, it’s just like I only read what I like to read.
Talking about this, I would like to introduce one of my favorite writers. I think he isn’t so known, but in spite of it I have an obsession with all of his books and stories. His name is Chuck Palahniuk.
About his life I’d like to say more beside that he’s an American journalist and novelist, but I really don’t know anything else. Actually I don’t even know his work as a journalist, but I’d love to talk about his work as a novelist.
Chuck Palahniuk is best known for the award-winning novel Fight Club, story that was taken to the big screen by David Fincher and became a popular culture icon. But it’s not the only participation of Chuck at the movies; also his book Choke was adapted into a film.
What I like about Chuck is his psychological style to write. It’s a little bit hard to explain but I’ll do my best. When he writes he doesn’t say “John took a gun and shot”, instead of it, he trys to get into John’s feelings and explains everything that is happening in his mind, making a chaotic and disturbing prose.
I could write and write about Chuck but I think I fulfilled the goal, so it’s enough. See you at the next post :).

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

About how i didn't live the earthquake.

First of all, i have to say that I’m not from Santiago. I’m originally from Ovalle, so there the earthquake was almost imperceptible. Actually it just reached to the grade of tremble.
That night I was on my computer, doing absolutely nothing beside listening to music and chatting with my friends on messenger, when everything started to move. I’m not afraid of earthquakes so I just stood quietly on my chair. But i didn't thought that it was a different one, in spite of its duration, the fell of my net connection, and the blink of the lights.
So, when my computer connection fell I decided to just go to bed and I slept wonderfully. At the next morning I woke up and walked to the living room thinking of listen to my Abbey Road vinyl, but when I connect the record player I realized that the energy was off. I asked my dad about the energy and he told me that the country was on the ground. I was so shocked and so needy for information that I spent the rest of the day on my notebook checking news about the situation of my country on twitter, facebook, and online newspapers (remember that I’m a postmodern man).

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hi, I'm a postmodern man.

I’m not sure what do i have to write, so i’ll take the easy way and i’m just going to introduce myself.
My name is Nicolás Hermosilla, and “Nicoglass” is the nickname that I use on Internet –also call my nerd name. This is my second blog, the other one I opened a few years ago just for fun. It was written on Spanish and maybe I should link it from here, but I'd be embarrassed if someone read what I wrote at that time, actually I don’t even like to see what I wrote.
Lately I’ve opened a lot of accounts on Internet, so I’ll add this blog to my list. I could say, humbly, that I’m a very postmodern man. See you at the next post (: