Monday, November 19, 2012

That's all folks!

I've always loved English... I really mean it. When I was at the school, it went very well. The teacher support me a lot, because he noticed that I was interested, and actually, as I had good markes, sometimes I helped him to review some tests of my classmates. 
Sadly, when I arrived to the university, I forgot a little bit of what I learned, because I think english is all about practicing, and with 2 subjects in 4 years... well, I get losted.
So, after a while without this class, I enjoyed this "reunion" with english. Now I'm writing faster, I remembered the grammar' rules, and everything else. For that reason, I value the blog's work, because it makes you think in english, and I think that's the key to improve your level. Also, we used to write about fun stuffs, and I had the space to tell nonsense to my classmates... it was fun.
About the aspects that I think that I need to improve, it will be the oral part, because I think I know the rules,  and I handle enough vocabulary, but when I'm talking ¡I forget everything! Maybe is a lack of confidence... 
Another thing that I noticed was that my pronunciation it wasn't very good. When I was recording my videos and later I watched them, I thought that I was talking like Tarzan, so I hope that in this moment I've finally get over that diction' problems.
So, like I was saying, I love english, because I also love music and I used to hear mainly anglo music, so I'm always checking the lyrics. Moreover, I watch series and movies and I HATE when they're dubbing, and it's good to hear the characters and understand what they're saying. 
Well, this are my last words. I hope that you didn't get bored reading what I wrote.

Goodnight, and goodluck.

Monday, November 12, 2012

In Tyler we trust

I have to recognize that isn't easy to choose one movie above all of the rest, because I really like movies, and I'd fill a list with movies that i loved. But, the rules says that I have to pick one, and I think that I'm going to talk about Fight Club.
The first and second rules of Fight Club is DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB, so I'm starting with the wrong foot, but I want a good marke. This movie stars Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham-Carter... and this three-pack are on my top 5 actors. When you erased the action movies of Pitt from his filmography you can realize that he has a lot of great movies.
Back to my film, this movie totally blew my mind when I saw it, but to be precise, actually Fight Club is a book written by Chuck Palahniuk, and I read it first. Of course, I know that the book is always better than the movie, but in this case both are great.
Moreover, this movie became an 90's icon (it's from 1999), because of its look, but mainly for its breaking speech, and for this I mean that if you think about it, there's a lot of anarchist thoughts on the movie.
Well, Fight Club is obviously about a fight club, but don't get confused, it's not an action movie. Pitt and Norton establish this illegal club where people go to fight and destress, and its first and second rules, as I said at the beggining is do not talk about fight club.

Here's the trailer, and if you haven't seen it yet, I'm telling you, YOU MUST.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The democracy's party

Yes, I voted, but no, I don't believe in the current political system. I'm going to explain this.. or at least try to.

In this blog I've told a few times that I'm not from here, I'm from Ovalle, and I'm registred over there to vote. So, I traveled that weekend to the north only with the intention of voting. I aware that it makes no sense that I continue voting over there, because the posibilities to go back to Ovalle to live are very small. For that reason, I knew that this was the last time that I'd do something for my beloved city, and I HAD to do it.

Never the less, it was sad, because the political scene wasn't so ecouraging. Renteria was the strongest card, supossedly an Independent, but everyone knows that he's a right wing candidate. His contender was Marta Lobos (DC), well known as "Marta Robos", and I don't need to say anymore... you get the idea. Finally, Renteria won the election, but I'm sure that any result it had been awful.

I think that it's ok to vote for what we believe, in spite of the poor political system that we have, but I also feel respect for who think that the abstetion it's the right option... maybe it is. At the end, the discussion it's not abour who vote and who doesn't, but what we do to validate our opinion as citizens.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Today's activity

I think the activities that we did today were very funny and interesting. I really mean it. When I read the instructions I thought it would be a booooring activity, but at the end, actually, I enjoy it. I wouldn't say that I had an awesome time, but it was OK.
The firsts activities were easiest than the last ones. I just failed in one or two for each one, so I think I did a nice job. At the beggining, I really wanted to achieve a perfect score in at least one activity, and I thought that i'll do it in the vocabulary part, but I failed in three words (There are 25, it was close) :(
Finally, I won the last game. The second listening activity had 6 questions from an interview, and I answered correctely all of it.


Monday, October 8, 2012

These arent the presents that you're looking for

The first present that came to my mind when I read the instructions, it was one that I received in Christmas of 2008. My dad (or Santa Claus, if you prefer) gave me a LIGHTSABER! How cool is that?! I have to recognize that I’m a fan of Star Wars movies, and my dad knew it. Actually, he took me to my first Star Wars movie when I was a child. It was the “Children’s day” and we saw together the episode I, “The Phantom Menace” at the cinema (that was another great gift) and it blew my mind. Since then I’m a fan.

Ok, back to the lightsaber. It was the blue one, like the one that Obi Wan Kenobi had in the movies, and when you pushed a button the laser part came out and, of course, it has lights and sounds. The funny thing is that in 2008 I was a little too big to receive a toy as a gift, but my dad knew that I’d be thrilled… and he was right.

My dad also gave to my sister a lightsaber, the green one (like Qui Gon Jinn) and we spent the whole night fighting with our new weapons. I still have my lightsaber under my bed in case I have to fight with some siths in the middle of the night.

That’s all. May the force be with you.

Monday, October 1, 2012


My first day at university was... at least, weird. First of all, I have to say that, at the bottom, I'm a shy person, so it was difficult to start some chats with my new partners. Also, I had just arrive to Santiago, and, of course, I didn't meet anyone yet, but the guys that lived in here met each other at a party that they had done a few days before. So yes... I was a little bit unconfortable.

Everything went better when I had a nice chat with Mauricio, a guy who came from Talca, and we became friends instantly. Since there, it was all easier.

It was the first day! So everyone in the class was excited about the new friends, new classes, and everything, so we used to sit outside the classrooms, all together, to know each other. But, again, I was a shy person, so I talked only with a few guys. UNTIL, (OK this is a little embarrassing) someone said that I looked like a known actor... Honestly, I don't think so, but maybe it's true, because everyone agreed and ... well, it was like an ice-breaker to meet my classmates.

About the classes, I don’t remember too much. At the end, I knew and I was sure that this was the place where I wanted to be, but the social part it was the most important thing of that day… for sure.

Monday, September 24, 2012

I came from San Rosendo

I born in Santiago, but when I was only one year old, my family decided to move to Ovalle, and since then I lived in there. So, considering that I grow up in the north, I always simply said that I’m from there and not from here. At the end, I don’t have any memories from Santiago. I was too little.
However, arrive to Santiago to study wasn’t difficult at all. Actually, I like Santiago. I’m thinking that maybe I can say that I’m from Ovalle, but my chip is from here. I’m adaptable.
One of the things that I like about Santiago is the large number of things that you can do, visit, or enjoy. As my sister says is “a world of possibilities and the sky is the limit”. And this, in comparison to Ovalle is diametrically different. If I was a tourist guide, I’ll make a visit to the Racalamac Bridge’s during the night, because it’s by far, my favorite place in the city.
About the things that I dislike, I think I will say the weather. The winter is too cold, and the summer is too hot. It’s too extreme, but it’s the only thing… I’d like it was a little bit more balance. Anyways, I love Santiago.

Achievements Unlocked

It was hard to think what I did at the first part of 2012. I feel like it has been a long time ago, maybe for the winter’ holidays, plus all of protest and mobilization… I don’t know, but, after a long time of meditation and regressions I came up with two things that I want to share that I accomplished during this time.
FIRST: There’s some class that I enjoy more than others at the university. The ones that are purely about journalism are my favorites, so TV was a good class. The last project was creating a TV program in that all class was involved. I was the “Assistant Director”, which means that I have manage all the times in the show, and also calm down to the director (it’s not a joke). I had a really good time making the program and we did an excellent job. It’s a good memory.
SECOND: I’ll continue talking about journalism and my achievements. This year I started to write for a magazine ¡and my articles were published on paper! It was pretty cool to saw my name printed. The magazine is called “La Magia Azul” and, actually, my good friend and classmate Aristeo invite me to participate in this project. I’m still writing for it, and I’m happy about that. 
Despite it all, I think it has been a great year. I’m only hoping that the Mayans are wrong with all of the world’s end thing. 

I want to have a million friends

OK, pick just one good friend to write about him is difficult, u know? I’ll be honest, I’m not a sort of Roberto Carlos with a million friends, but I have a few, and isn’t quite easy pick one above the rest.. but as I’m talking about Roberto Carlos, I will talk precisely about one of my best friends, called Roberto.
His name is Roberto Bravo, and yes, he play the keyboard, but is far far away from THE Roberto Bravo, the chilean pianist. Roberto, my friend, is a better guitarist. Maybe he can’t play every song or performance a difficult solo, but the songs that he knows he can play it with true passion, and that’s all that matters, don’t u think?
I think that if I had a band he’ll be with me. Actually, we always play together sometimes, and I'm not sure if we’re good or bad, but it’s always a great time.
I met Roberto at Ovalle, where we both grow up. We were part of the same group of friends, and we assist to the same school, but when we became good friends was here, in Santiago. We share a lot of things, so our friendship is really easy to take. 
I was going to upload a photo when we are in a trip to Ovalle. We travel in his car, so it was pretty cool, because it's awful to travel in a bus sometimes, but unfortunaly, the internet isn't working so good. If i remember, I'll post the photo later.

I'm not a drunk

I think Fiestas Patrias has to be the most waited holidays in the year for all the chilean people, and, of course, I'm absolute agree with this idea. I'm going to write about this year celebration because it was, in some way, special. 

First we could celebrate since friday 14 until yesterday! We were free all week, so we have plenty of time to go to barbeques, drink piscolas with friends, and dance a lot of cuecas and cumbias. In second place, this year I moved with my family from Ovalle to La Serena (I'm studying in Santiago, but I'm from the north), so this would be my first national holiday in this new city. BUT, there I live with my father and my older sister, Daniela. My mother and my little sister still remains in Ovalle, so I passed a few days in there, just eating and sleeping... my mom consent me a lot. 

A thing that I really like about Ovalle is that, I studied all my childhood there, so I know a lot of people, and I could party with different groups all nights (at this point, you will probably think that I'm a drunk, but it's just for the holidays, I swear). Also, Ovalle is a small city, so its easy to move in there.

The 19th I travel to La Serena, and they waited me with a barbeque. We're not a big family (my dad, my two sisters, and a friend of Daniela that lives with them) but we ate meat like a 15 person' family

Finally, I went back to santiago yesterday. I came with some friends in a car, so it was a fun journey. So, at the end, I can say that this holidays were really cool. I can't wait for the next Fiestas Patrias.